Audio Processing in Python Part II: Exploring Windowing, Sound Pressure Levels, and A-Weighting Using an iPhone X

Raspberry Pi 3B+ acoustic analysis using Python. Audio recording and signal processing with Python, beginning with a discussion of windowing and sampling, which will outline the limitations of the Fourier space representation of a signal. Discussion of the frequency spectrum, and weighting phenomenon in relation to the human auditory system will also be explored. Lastly, the significance of microphone pressure units and conversion to the decibel will be briefly introduced and explained.

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Audio Processing in Python Part I: Sampling, Nyquist, and the Fast Fourier Transform

Fourier Series has been widespread in applications of engineering ranging from heat transfer, vibration analysis, fluid mechanics, noise control, and much more. After evolutions in computation and algorithm development, the use of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) has also become ubiquitous in applications in acoustic analysis and even turbulence research. In this tutorial, I describe the basic process for emulating a sampled signal and then processing that signal using the FFT algorithm in Python. This will allow the user to get started with analysis of acoustic-like signals and understand the fundamentals of the Fast Fourier Transform.

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Arduino I2C OLED Display - Temperature and Humidity Display (SSD1306)

How to print temperature and humidity readings onto a 0.96 inch I2C OLED display. The device is DIYMall's inexpensive, high resolution (128x64 pixels), yellow and blue organic LED display that is designed for use with the Arduino platform. Together with a DHT22 temperature sensor, the tiny OLED screen will display real-time humidity and temperature data using an Adafruit library and an Arduino Uno board. This project can be expanded upon to print data from a wide array of sensors, and even grab data from the internet to print values for a smart and interactive display.

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How to Create a Rotating Globe Using Python and the Basemap Toolkit
Python Microcontroller: Getting Started with Adafruit's Trinket M0 and CircuitPython

In this tutorial I will cover one of the newest microcontroller interface languages, Python, and demonstrate Adafruit's powerful Trinket M0 microcontroller and its capabilities using Python as its programming language. Much of what is outlined below can be seen on Adafruit's website [UART communication, Trinket info, CircuitPython Basics].

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